1. Before today, did you know about stem cells in the realm of anti-aging ? yes no 2. Did you already know about ACTIVATING your own stem cells ? yes no 3. Do you know anyone who is suffering from an age-related (chronic) condition ? yes no 4. What are - in your opinion - the most relevant age-related conditions ? diabetes arthritis chronic heart condition high blood pressure high cholesterol memory loss sleeping disorders depression other Other, please specify 5. If there was a drug-free, non-supplement anti-aging solution to activate your own stem cells, would you be interested to know more about it? yes no 6. Do you want to raffle for a free sleeve (30 days) of stem cell activation patches (no drugs, no supplement, just near infrared light therapy)? yes no Name Email You can leave a message for us By selecting the GDPR tick box below, I give youngerinside.com permission to store my data for market research purposes and to participate in the raffle to win a free X39 sleeve (€116.85) containing 30 patches GDPR permission Submit and participate